The current outdoor LCD hardware equipment mainly includes outdoor LCD and player equipment. As trend-leading equipment, they are the main force for the technological innovation of manufacturers. Outdoor LCD hardware equipment has a fast update speed and a wide range of types. Take outdoor LCDs as an example. Every two to three years, outdoor LCDs will be lighter, brighter, more efficient in terms of power consumption, and have high resolution. Moreover, there are now a variety of options such as outdoor LCD screens, LCD splicing screens, and small-pitch LCD large screens.
To ensure investment efficiency, "all starting from actual needs and avoid blindly following the trend" has become the basic principle for end-users to purchase. For outdoor advertising screen, we have summarized the following four major misunderstandings that need to be avoided;
According to human inertial thinking, the longer the service life of the product, the better, which is no exception when purchasing outdoor LCD monitors. But from a long-term perspective, this idea is not advisable. It is important to know that the longer the service life of outdoor displays, the higher the technical requirements, the higher the manufacturing cost, and the higher the capital invested by industry users.
To ensure the rate of return on investment, industry users will choose to extend the use time of the product as much as possible. The direct consequence is that users cannot experience the latest technology in time, so it is necessary to balance the use cost and application experience. Users should not blindly pursue long life when purchasing outdoor LCD screens. They should choose the right one according to the application requirements so that the money saved can be invested in the software content level to ensure that the outdoor LCD screen system achieves the best application state.
In the current outdoor liquid crystal display field, high brightness has become an important parameter to highlight technological leadership. Moreover, this parameter is infinitely magnified in the marketing promotion of some manufacturers, which directly leads many users to believe that the brighter the screen is, the better.
In fact, the brighter the screen is not the better. The effect of screen brightness of lcd poster display is a superposition effect, including contrast, viewing angle, viewing distance, the brightness of the surrounding environment, playback content, etc. Therefore, high brightness does not necessarily represent the best application effect, and may even produce negative effects.
For example, the higher the brightness of the outdoor LCD screen, the more heat it generates, and the power consumption will increase accordingly. This will not only shorten the expected service life but also increase maintenance costs. Coupled with the high cost of the highlight product itself, the capital investment will increase substantially, which does not conform to the established economic principles. At the same time, in indoor digital signage applications, an overly bright screen may also make people's eyes uncomfortable, thereby affecting the viewer's viewing experience.
At present, many commercial digital signage displays are equipped with metal casings. Under the vigorous guidance of manufacturers, many industry users have also been convinced that metal cases are safer.
Unless the outdoor LCD screen is installed in a public space where people can operate at will, the metal case becomes a completely unnecessary expense. For example, office elevator billboards, fast-food restaurant menu boards, and cashier information displays. The LCD screens in these places are almost inaccessible to outsiders. Plastic cabinets are very suitable for use.
For the purchase of LED and LCD displays, the size is not as small as possible. Out of the demand for beautiful design, many users prefer to choose compact products, but they should also pay attention to choosing a moderate size.
Although the installation of compact player products is more flexible, this places higher requirements on heat dissipation design. The improvement of the technical threshold not only increases the cost but also increases the potential risk of system application. After all, outdoor LCD screens need to run continuously, and once there is a problem with heat dissipation, the consequences will be disastrous.
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